
Flutter State Management 2022 | What is State management? Different types of state management | Solution Codes

What is State Management?

Flutter State Management 2022 | What is State management? Different types of state management | Solution Codes

State Management is a powerful topic when you are building a mobile app or a web application. It relates to the control of the state of more than one UI control. UI controls can be text fields, radio buttons, dropdowns, toggles, form, checkboxes, and many more.

A web-site / application consists of a lot of such UI controls. Every framework or every state management pattern has its way to maintain the UI widget state.

The one UI widget state depends on the other UI widget state. 

For example, you are loading the list of products using API HTTP get. While product list loading, you have to show any loading Indicator widgets. When all product list data loads completely, you replace that loading indicator with the loaded product list widget. here, one state moves to another, like a loading state to a loaded state.

Difference types of State Management:

Provider: Google recommended Provider State management, which mainly provides a control point or central point to change or manage the state of the application.

Provider Components: 

1. ChangeNotifier 

2. ChangeNotifierProvider

3. Consumer

Riverpod : 

There are different types of providers in Riverpod like StateProvider, FutureProvider, StreamProvider, StateNotifierProvider, and ChangeNotifierProvider








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