Floating action button (FAB) in flutter | Common problems and solution | SCODE

Floating action button (FAB) in flutter ~ Common problems and solution

Floating Action Button (FAB) in Flutter can be implemented using the “floatingActionButton” property of the Scaffold widget. The basic usage of FAB in Flutter is as follows:

floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: () { /* Add your code here */ },
child: Icon(Icons.add),

Some common problems and solutions with using FAB in Flutter are:

1. Placement: By default, FAB is positioned at the bottom right corner of the screen, but it can be moved to other positions using the “floatingActionButtonLocation” property of the Scaffold widget.

2. Icon: The icon displayed on the FAB can be changed using the “child” property of the FloatingActionButton widget.

3. Background Color: The background color of the FAB can be changed using the “backgroundColor” property of the FloatingActionButton widget.

4. Size: The size of the FAB can be changed using the “mini” property of the FloatingActionButton widget.

You can find more information on how to use and troubleshoot FAB in Flutter in the official Flutter documentation (https://flutter.dev/docs/cookbook/design/floating-action-button) and in various tutorials and blog posts available online

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