Python Basics

Python User Input | Python tutorials 22

Essential Guide to Python User Input

Python is a popular programming language used for a wide range of applications, including web development, machine learning, and data analysis. One of the key features of Python is its ability to accept user input from the console. In this article, we will explore how to get user input in Python using the “input” function, along with some examples.

What is the “input” function in Python?

The “input” function is a built-in function in Python that allows a programmer to get user input from the console. It prompts the user to enter a value, waits for the user to enter the value, and then returns the value entered as a string.
The basic syntax of the “input” function is as follows:


The “prompt” argument is a string that is displayed to the user, prompting them to enter a value.


Using the “input” function in Python

Let’s explore how to use the “input” function in Python with some examples. In this first example, we will ask the user to enter their name, and then we will print a greeting using their name:

name = input("What is your name? ")
print("Hello, " + name + "!")

In this example, we use the “input” function to get the user’s name, and then we use string concatenation to print a greeting using their name. If the user enters “John” when prompted, for example, the output would be:

What is your name? John
Hello, John!

In this next example, we will ask the user to enter two numbers, and then we will add them together and print the result:

num1 = input("Enter a number: ")
num2 = input("Enter another number: ")
result = float(num1) + float(num2)
print("The result is: " + str(result))

In this example, we use the “input” function to get two numbers from the user, and then we convert the input strings to floating-point numbers using the “float” function. We then add the two numbers together and print the result. If the user enters “2” and “3” when prompted, for example, the output would be:

Enter a number: 2
Enter another number: 3
The result is: 5.0


The “input” function is a powerful feature in Python that allows developers to get user input from the console. By using the “input” function, developers can create more interactive and user-friendly applications that can accept user input and respond accordingly.

In this article, we provided examples of how to use the “input” function in Python to get user input and perform calculations. By following these examples, developers can use the “input” function to create more robust and interactive applications in Python.


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