Python Basics

Mastering the Python RegEx: Beginner python tutorials 19 | Better4Code

Python RegEx: Python provides built-in support for regular expressions, also known as RegEx. RegEx is a powerful tool for text processing and pattern matching, commonly used in data cleaning, web scraping, and other data-related tasks. In this article, we will introduce you to RegEx in Python and provide examples to help you understand how it works.

Python RegEx - Beginner python tutorials - 19  SCODES

What is Python RegEx?

Regular expressions are sequences of characters that define a search pattern. They are commonly used for pattern matching, text search, and data validation. Regular expressions use a syntax that defines patterns and rules for matching specific sequences of characters.

How to Use RegEx in Python

Python provides the re module, which contains functions that support regular expressions. The most commonly used functions in the re module are:

  • re.findall() 
  • re.sub()


The function searches a string for a match using a regular expression.

import re

string = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

result ="brown", string)


In this example, we use the function to search for the string “brown” in the variable called string. The output of this code will be:

re.Match object; span=(10, 15), match='brown'

This means that the string “brown” was found in the string starting at position 10 and ending at position 15.

2. re.findall()

The re.findall() function returns all occurrences of a pattern in a string as a list.

import re

string = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

result = re.findall("the", string, re.IGNORECASE)


In this example, we use the re.findall() function to search for all occurrences of the string “the” in the variable called string, ignoring case. The output of this code will be:

['The', 'the', 'the']

This means that the strings “The”, “the”, and “the” were found in the string.

3. re.sub()

The re.sub() function replaces all occurrences of a pattern in a string with a specified string. Example:

import re

string = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

result = re.sub("the", "that", string, flags=re.IGNORECASE)


In this example, we use the re.sub() function to replace all occurrences of the string “the” in the variable called string with the string “that”, ignoring case. The output of this code will be:

That quick brown fox jumps over that lazy dog.

This means that all occurrences of the string “the” were replaced with the string “that” in the string.


Python’s built-in support for regular expressions makes it easy to perform pattern matching and text processing tasks. In this article, we introduced you to the re module and provided examples of the most commonly used functions in the module. By using regular expressions in your Python applications, you can easily search for and manipulate text in a way that is flexible and efficient.


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