
Flutter Tutorials

How to change the Flutter project package name using the library or package

Changing the package name of a Flutter project can be a bit tricky, but it’s important to do so if you plan on publishing your app to an app store or marketplace. The package name is used to uniquely identify your app, and changing it can cause problems with updates and compatibility. In this article, […]

How to change the Flutter project package name using the library or package Read More »

Implementing local notifications in Flutter | Flutter tutorials beginners guide

Local notifications in Flutter allow you to schedule and display notifications to the user, even if the app is not currently running. They are a great way to keep your users engaged and informed about important events or updates within your app. To implement local notifications in Flutter, you will need to use the flutter_local_notifications

Implementing local notifications in Flutter | Flutter tutorials beginners guide Read More »

Implementing push notifications in flutter | Flutter tutorials beginners guide | SCODES

Implementing Push Notifications in Flutter: A Step-by-Step Guide Push notifications are an essential feature for many mobile applications, allowing them to deliver important updates and messages to users in real time. Implementing push notifications in Flutter is a straightforward process, and in this article, we’ll guide you through the steps involved. Before we begin, it’s

Implementing push notifications in flutter | Flutter tutorials beginners guide | SCODES Read More »

All articles about Flutter App Development | for Beginner tutorials

Introduction of AI Chat GPT | how to use | advantages & disadvantages How to Install Flutter SDK Difference between Flutter and React Difference between Stateless and Stateful widget ListView Builder widget in Flutter Download Android SDK using the command line Missing Plugin Exception | Common Error in Flutter How to convert data from uploaded CSV

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Creating custom themes and styles in Flutter for beginners guide | with an example | SCODES

Flutter is an open-source framework for building high-performance, visually appealing mobile applications. It provides a rich set of built-in widgets and tools for creating beautiful and intuitive user interfaces. However, sometimes, you may need to go beyond the built-in widgets and create custom styles and themes for your app to meet your specific design requirements.

Creating custom themes and styles in Flutter for beginners guide | with an example | SCODES Read More »

Design Patterns in Flutter: Understanding MVC and MVVM | SCODES

Flutter is an open-source framework for building high-performance and visually appealing mobile applications. It’s quickly becoming one of the most popular frameworks for mobile app development. To build robust and maintainable Flutter apps, it’s crucial to understand design patterns and how to apply them. In this article, we’ll take a look at two of the

Design Patterns in Flutter: Understanding MVC and MVVM | SCODES Read More »

Details and advantages about pacakage:js in flutter | SCODES

The package:js package is a powerful library for Dart developers that provides an API for interacting with JavaScript code. This library is particularly useful for developers who want to integrate their Flutter or Dart applications with JavaScript libraries or code. With package:js, you can easily call JavaScript functions, access properties, and pass data between Dart

Details and advantages about pacakage:js in flutter | SCODES Read More »

GridView in flutter | Common problems and solution | SCODE

A GridView in Flutter is a widget that displays a scrolling grid of widgets. It can be used to display items in a grid-like layout, and it supports scrolling in both horizontal and vertical directions. The basic usage of a GridView in Flutter is as follows: GridView.count( crossAxisCount: 2, children: List.generate(10, (index) { return Container(

GridView in flutter | Common problems and solution | SCODE Read More »

How to use custom JavaScript in Flutter using JS package | with example| Part – 1 | SCODES

Flutter is a popular mobile app development framework that allows you to create high-performance and visually appealing apps for both Android and iOS. However, sometimes you might need to use JavaScript code in your Flutter app, and that’s where the js package comes in. The js package provides a simple way to run JavaScript code

How to use custom JavaScript in Flutter using JS package | with example| Part – 1 | SCODES Read More »